Upcoming Events
You can find a list of all bookable events (including district network meetings, conferences and CPD) below.
See our dedicated CPD page for more details on which course best suits your needs.
WORKSHOP: WellComm Part 1 - Introduction to WellComm
WellComm Part 1: This free online workshop will enable practitioners to use the WellComm Toolkit within their setting.
Level: Introductory
WORKSHOP: WellComm Part 2 - What Next?
WellComm Part 2: Tips and good practice for WellComm screening and embedding WellComm into your everyday practice.
This workshop should be taken AFTER you have attended ‘WellComm Part 1: Introduction to Wellcomm’.
Level: Introductory
WORKSHOP: WellComm Part 1 - Introduction to WellComm
WellComm Part 1: This free online workshop will enable practitioners to use the WellComm Toolkit within their setting.
Level: Introductory
Birmingham Childminder Network - July Meet-up
A regular online networking event for Childminders across Birmingham to meet up, offer peer support and share ideas and information.
The topic for this meeting is: Nurturing Wellbeing
WORKSHOP: WellComm Part 2 - What Next?
WellComm Part 2: Tips and good practice for WellComm screening and embedding WellComm into your everyday practice.
This workshop should be taken AFTER you have attended ‘WellComm Part 1: Introduction to Wellcomm’.
Level: Introductory
Supporting a Smooth Transition to Reception - Selly Oak
An opportunity to discuss transition for every child moving to a Reception class in September 2024.
Location: Sense TouchBase Pears, B29 6NA
Supporting a Smooth Transition to Reception - Yardley
An opportunity to discuss transition for every child moving to a Reception class in September 2024.
Location: Holy Souls Social Club, B27 6RG
Supporting a Smooth Transition to Reception - Ladywood (Edgbaston Community Centre)
An opportunity to discuss transition for every child moving to a Reception class in September 2024.
Location: Edgbaston Community Centre, B15 2HU
Supporting a Smooth Transition to Reception - Hall Green (Sparkhill Consortium)
An opportunity to discuss transition for any child attending a Hall Green Reception class (within the Sparkhill Consortium) in September 2024.
Location: Paradise Banqueting Suite, B11 1DS
Supporting a Smooth Transition to Reception - Ladywood (Hotel Campanile)
An opportunity to discuss transition for every child moving to a Reception class in September 2024.
Location: Hotel Campanile - Aston, B6 4BE
Supporting a Smooth Transition to Reception - Sutton Coldfield
An opportunity to discuss transition for every child moving to a Reception class in September 2024.
Location: The Trinity Centre, B72 1TF
Supporting a Smooth Transition to Reception - Hall Green (Consortium of Schools)
An opportunity to discuss transition for every child moving to a Reception class in September 2024.
Location: Kings Heath Cricket Club, B14 6DT
Supporting a Smooth Transition to Reception - Perry Barr
An opportunity to discuss transition for every child moving to a Reception class in September 2024.
Location: The Pavilion, B6 7AA
Supporting a Smooth Transition to Reception - Hodge Hill
An opportunity to discuss transition for every child moving to a Reception class in September 2024.
Location: Nansen Primary School, B8 3HG
Supporting a Smooth Transition to Reception - Erdington
An opportunity to discuss transition for every child moving to a Reception class in September 2024.
Location: St Barnabos Church, B23 6SJ
Birmingham Childminder Network - May Meet-up
A regular online networking event for Childminders across Birmingham to meet up, offer peer support and share ideas and information.
The topic for this meeting is: Demystify the language of maths
Supporting a Smooth Transition to Reception - Edgbaston
An opportunity to discuss transition for every child moving to a Reception class in September 2024.
Location: Quinborne Community Centre, B32 2TW
WORKSHOP: Transition
This free online workshop will explore how to prepare children and their families for a successful transition.
Level: Introductory
Supporting a Smooth Transition to Reception - Northfield
An opportunity to discuss transition for every child moving to a Reception class in September 2024.
Location: Weoley Castle Hub, B29 5LB
WORKSHOP: Assessment and Moderation
This free workshop will touch on all assessments in the EYFS; two-year-old progress check, baseline, EYFSP, as well as continuous assessments to support ongoing planning and assessments.
Level: Introductory
WORKSHOP: Extending Vocabulary Through Language-Rich Environments
This free online workshop will enable practitioners to improve their speech, language, and communication practice with self-evaluation tools.
Level: Introductory
BCC Briefing: EYFS regulatory changes for childminders
Briefing for Birmingham childminders: Find out about regulatory changes to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) affecting childminders from January 2024.
Birmingham Childminder Network Meeting
A regular online networking event for Childminders across Birmingham to meet up, offer peer support and share ideas and information.
The topic for this meeting is: TBC
WORKSHOP: Supporting Maths in the Early Years
This free online workshop will cover how you can provide effective support to develop children’s concepts for learning mathematics, in partnership with their parents.
Level: Introductory
BCC Briefing: EYFS regulatory changes for group and school-based providers
Briefing for Birmingham group and school-based providers: Find out about regulatory changes to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) affecting group and school-based providers from January 2024.
Birmingham Childminder Network: Look, Say, Sing, Play
A regular online networking event for Childminders across Birmingham to meet up, offer peer support and share ideas and information.
The topic for this meeting is: NSPCC - Look, Say, Sing, Play
Birmingham Childminder Network: Role of play
A regular online networking event for Childminders across Birmingham to meet up, offer peer support and share ideas and information.
The topic for this meeting is: Role of play
WORKSHOP: Working with Families to Support SLC for Children with EAL
This free online workshop will share tools and good practice to develop an inclusive setting for families with English as an additional language (EAL).
Level: Introductory
Birmingham Childminder Network: Welcome & what’s new?
A regular online networking event for Childminders across Birmingham to meet up, offer peer support and share ideas and information.
The topic for this meeting is: Welcome back & what’s new