Upcoming Events
You can find a list of all bookable events (including district network meetings, conferences and CPD) below.
See our dedicated CPD page for more details on which course best suits your needs.
Magical Music Series: SEND Music Making
We want to create an exciting buzz around using music in the Early Years! This event aims to help you engage and support children with SEND through music.
Funded by UK Government.
Magical Music Series: Building Confidence in Your Voice
We want to create an exciting buzz around using music in the Early Years! This event aims to build confidence in using singing.
Funded by UK Government.
Magical Music Series: Singing Resources and Games
We want to create an exciting buzz around using music in the Early Years! This event will provide singing resources and ideas for games.
Funded by UK Government.
Magical Music Series: Using Music for Relaxation
We want to create an exciting buzz around using music in the Early Years! This event will help with strategies to use music for relaxation and story massage.
Funded by UK Government.
Magical Music Series: Musical Free Play
We want to create an exciting buzz around using music in the Early Years! This event will explore how to encourage music in child-led play.
Funded by UK Government.
West Midlands Childminder Network - Physical Development
A regular online networking event for Childminders across the West Midlands to meet up, offer peer support and share ideas and information.
The topic for this meeting is: Promoting physical development
West Midlands Childminder Network - Supporting Self-Regulation
A regular online networking event for Childminders across the West Midlands to meet up, offer peer support and share ideas and information.
The topic for this meeting is: Supporting Self-Regulation
West Midlands Childminder Network - Making Music
A regular online networking event for Childminders across the West Midlands to meet up, offer peer support and share ideas and information.
The topic for this meeting is: Making music in a home environment
Nurturing Staff Wellbeing - Including Your Own (Evening Session)
Come along to our Stronger Practice Hub event and learn about strategies to support your own and your team's wellbeing.
Nurturing Staff Wellbeing - Including Your Own (Morning Session)
Come along to our Stronger Practice Hub event and learn about strategies to support your own and your team's wellbeing.
NCB WORKSHOP: A Special Approach to Making it REAL
A workshop providing practitioners with an overview of how to support the home learning environment for families with children with SEND.
West Midlands Childminder Network - July Meet-up
A regular online networking event for Childminders across the West Midlands to meet up, offer peer support and share ideas and information.
The topic for this meeting is: Nurturing Wellbeing
Makaton - Level 1 (3 July)
A practical, one-day, face-to-face training session to learn the Level 1 Makaton signs and symbols.
Location: Weoley Castle Nursery School, B29 5QD
Makaton - Level 1 (29 June)
A practical, one-day, face-to-face training session to learn the Level 1 Makaton signs and symbols.
Location: Bloomsbury Nursery School, B7 5BX
Practice from the Heart - Visit Weoley Castle Nursery School
Come and see our practice in the Heart of the Midlands.
Visit Weoley Castle Nursery School, one of the Heart Stronger Practice Hub partners.
Practice from the Heart - Visit Bloomsbury Nursery
Come and see our practice in the Heart of the Midlands.
Visit Bloomsbury Nursery School, one of the Heart Stronger Practice Hub partners.
Makaton - Level 1 (15 June)
A practical, one-day, face-to-face training session to learn the Level 1 Makaton signs and symbols.
Location: Dolphin Women’s Centre, B8 2HB
Practice from the Heart - Visit Norton Hall Children’s Centre
Come and see Forest School practice in the Heart of the Midlands.
Visit Norton Hall Children and Families Centre, one of the Heart Stronger Practice Hub partners.
Practice from the Heart - Visit Castle Vale Nursery
Come and see our practice in the Heart of the Midlands.
Visit Castle Vale Nursery School, one of the Heart Stronger Practice Hub partners.
NCB WORKSHOP: A Special Approach to Making it REAL
You are invited to attend a free DfE-funded workshop on NCB’s ‘A Special Approach to Making it REAL’; find out how to use the ‘REAL approach’ and activities to support children with SEND.
West Midlands Childminder Network - May Meet-up
A regular online networking event for Childminders across the West Midlands to meet up, offer peer support and share ideas and information.
The topic for this meeting is: Demystify the language of maths.
Nurturing Staff Wellbeing - Including Your Own (Evening Session)
Come along to our Stronger Practice Hub event and learn about strategies to support your own and your team's wellbeing.
Nurturing Staff Wellbeing - Including Your Own (Morning Session)
Come along to our Stronger Practice Hub event and learn about strategies to support your own and your team's wellbeing.
The Golden Key (nasen) training - Cohort 3
nasen’s Key Person SEND programme for Early Years practitioners; an eight-week, online training programme funded by HEART Midlands SPH.
Cohort 3: For practitioners working in Maintained & PVI settings across HEART Midlands SPH areas (Birmingham, Coventry, Herefordshire, Solihull, Warwickshire, Worcestershire)
The Golden Key (nasen) training - Cohort 2
nasen’s Key Person SEND programme for Early Years practitioners; an eight-week, online training programme funded by HEART Midlands SPH.
Cohort 2: For childminders working across the West Midlands (all HEART & THRIVE SPH areas)
Info Session: Tales Toolkit for Childminders
An information session to share details about an exciting opportunity for Childminders to get involved with Tales Toolkit.
Info Session (evening): Counting Collections
Want to learn more about the Counting Collections training for nursery-age children coming up this Summer?
This online information session has all the details you need!
Info Session (morning): Counting Collections
Want to learn more about the Counting Collections training for nursery-age children coming up this Summer?
This online information session has all the details you need!
West Midlands Childminder Network Meeting
A regular online networking event for Childminders across the West Midlands to meet up, offer peer support and share ideas and information.
The topic for this meeting is: TBC
Children at the HEART: Early Years Spring Conference
Book your place for the ‘Children at the HEART: Early Years Spring Conference.
8/9 March 2024 @ Edgbaston Cricket Ground, Birmingham.
Free to attend (funded by HEART Midlands SPH).
Info Sessions: EY SENCO Level 3 Programme
A choice of two online briefing sessions to find out more information about the Level 3 Early Years (EY) SENCO training programme, and how you can apply.
10:00 AM or 6:00 PM
West Midlands Childminder Network: Look, Say, Sing Play
A regular online networking event for Childminders across the West Midlands to meet up, offer peer support and share ideas and information.
The topic for this meeting is: NSPCC - Look, Say, Sing, Play
The Golden Key (nasen) training - Cohort 1
nasen’s Key Person SEND programme for Early Years practitioners; an eight-week, online training programme funded by HEART Midlands SPH.
Cohort 1: For early years practitioners working in Maintained & PVI settings in BIRMINGHAM only
Online Briefing: The Golden Key (nasen)
Come along to find out more about ‘The Golden Key’, nasen’s SEND CPD for key people in early years.
*This briefing session and associated training cohort is for Birmingham-based practitioners only, due to funding streams.
Online Briefing: The Golden Key (nasen)
Come along to find out more about ‘The Golden Key’, nasen’s SEND CPD for key people in early years.
*This briefing session and associated training cohort is for Birmingham-based practitioners only, due to funding streams.
Info Session (evening): EEF Evidence Store and Early Years Toolkit
An information session for all early years practitioners in the West Midlands.
Come along to find out about the Education Endowment Foundation’s Evidence Store and Early Years Toolkit.
Info Session (morning): EEF Evidence Store and Early Years Toolkit
An information session for all early years practitioners in the West Midlands.
Come along to find out about the Education Endowment Foundation’s Evidence Store and Early Years Toolkit.